By Wasweeding
United Kingdom
Hoping you can ID this for me? Thanks!
I lost the label, if there ever was one, lol

8 Oct, 2011
lol. At least we agreed!
8 Oct, 2011
brill thanks!I think i will raffle it, but wanted to be able to tell people what it is. Does it have any foibles? Is it a very tender plant? I've not had it long. 3 qs for the price of one, tee hee x
8 Oct, 2011
No, it's hardy - but if it's in a pot and the weather's severe, you'd have to wrap the pot in bubblewrap to stop the rootball from freezing. It would be much better planted in the ground.
8 Oct, 2011
But if you cut it back like that you won't get the flowers.
9 Oct, 2011
??! Steady on there, I've not touched it yet. Lol. What are you like?!
10 Oct, 2011
That's very good advice, Wasweeding - you could perhaps write it down for future reference! ;-)
10 Oct, 2011
the cheek! hee hee, it wasn't even me waving the secateurs. I could write it down, yes, but who knows whether I'd ever find the notes again?
11 Oct, 2011
Anyway it isn't big enough to threaten with the secateurs yet, poor little thing.
11 Oct, 2011
Was I cheeky? Sorreeeeee.....
12 Oct, 2011
Nah you're all right Spritz, lol.
Just took me by surprise - felt like I was being chided for something I'd not even mentioned, let alone done!
There's nowt so queer as folk. xx
12 Oct, 2011
I don't tell people off - promise! I'm a very very nice person. :-D)
12 Oct, 2011
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It's Sambucus 'Black Lace', I'm pretty sure.
8 Oct, 2011