By Yasmeen
i live in pakistan and am a gardening incharge of a college.can u please guide me which plants are best to cultivate regarding ornamentation for upcoming winter

9 Oct, 2011
Welcome, Yasmeen!
Judging by the plant palette that I see in the garden, which is similar to our plant palette, here in the Arizona desert, I have a few suggestions:
Hybrid Crape Myrtles (Lagerstroemeria hybrids)--attractive bark, plus flowers in summer, and colored leaves in fall.
Dwarf Blue Arborvitae (Platycladus orientalis 'Minima Glauca')--turns an attractive lavender in winter.
Purple Arabian "Lilac" (Vitex trifolia 'Purpurea')--foliage turns an intense purple in winter, plus spikes of lavender flowers in summer.
If your summers rarely go over 39º C, other possibilities would include:
Winter Jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum)--yellow flowers in winter or earliest spring.
Red-Twig Dogwood (Cornus sericea)--scarlet twigs in winter. There is a yellow-twigged form, also.
Japanese Kerria (Kerria japonica)--bright green twigs in winter, plus yellow flowers in spring/early summer.
Blue Mt. Atlas Cedar (Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca').
Flowering Witch Hazel (Hamamelis species and hybrids)--yellow, orange, or red flowers late fall to early spring, depending on the variety.
If your winters rarely go below -2º C, These could be used:
Euryops Daisy (Euryops pectinatus)--yellow daisies on a ferny green bush.
Cape Honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis)--orange-red flowers fall through spring. Yellow and golden orange varieties are available.
Many Aloe species and hybrids--spikes or sprays of yellow, orange, red, or pink, tubular flowers, depending on the variety. Some also have colorful leaves.
Purple Hopseed Bush (Dodonea viscosa 'Saratoga')--leaves turn a deep wine-purple in winter.
Hope that this helps,
9 Oct, 2011
Previous question
Welcome to GoY.
I'm sure members on GoY will help you...
If you are able to give an idea of the amount of space available, the type of soil, and the winter temperatures, that would all help members to give you the right advice.
Also, maybe look at GoYpedia, at the base of the page, where categories are filed alphabetically, such as E for Evergreens.
Wonderful bridge in the photo ! :o)
9 Oct, 2011