By Steve_acre
United Kingdom
I have two Betula pendula (Dalecarlica) (Swedish birch) growing in soiled based compost in 50x50x50cm containers on a south facing balcony. The maximum height (as stated on the little tag) is 10-15m. The trees are currently about 2m tall after a year in their current abode. I appreciate that I have limited time with them, but I would like to prolong this as much as I can. The little tag also advises that they should not be pruned. Could you please offer some advice as to how I may help them to survive for as many years as possible in the containers.
Thank you very much,
9 Oct, 2011
I don't think the is a lot you can do Steve the containers will limit the root growth which will limit the growth of the canopy but you can't prune them because of their habit. Enjoy them whilst you can and pass them on to someone with a very large garden.
9 Oct, 2011