By Kentaylor
United Kingdom
Dear Sirs. In the spring of this year, I planted two climbing roses, on of which flowered quite well, whilst the other has produced very healthy growth without producing a single flower. The plant has grown to about 12ft in height, and very health foliage with no sign of any disease. I tried stopping it expecting something to come from the leaf axils, which produced little sign of any further growth,and still no flowers. Your opinion would be gratefully received. Should I discard it and plant another. Would a climbing floribunda be a good variety for a climbing rose , over an archway.
Many thanks
9 Oct, 2011
Hi Ken, welcome to Goy, if you enjoy gardening you should like it here.....check out some of the blogs!
I'd suggest next may give a dose of high potash feed to encourage flowering ( not before or the growth will be too soft to survive the cold)
9 Oct, 2011
You may have only the rootstock growing. I would not recommend a floribunda choose a rambling rose.
You could dig it up and plant it somewhere else to give it a second chance.
9 Oct, 2011
Is your rose in a position where it gets hours of light per day?
Roses tend to prefer a Sunny position to flower.
9 Oct, 2011
If you train it so the stems are not vertical this encourages side shoots that flower more freely.
9 Oct, 2011
Ahem.. ! There are lots of madams here!
About your rose - I have a Filipes Kiftsgate which is now two years old and hasn't flowered yet. In answers to a question here about that, I learned that it might only flower on second year growth, which means maybe next year. I would wait and see?
9 Oct, 2011