By Pontoonpete
Pays de la Loir,
I`m going to try splitting up my Pampas grass. It`s not happy where it is and I need some cover elsewhere in the garden and two pampas would do it nicely. Any ideas on when & how? P
9 Oct, 2011
On gardeners world this week they dug theirs up now, cutting back the top growth very hard and then after getting it out replanted the split pieces.
9 Oct, 2011
Thanks for those replies. much appreciated P
9 Oct, 2011
I would also say early spring next year is preferable, mine are all in full flower, and for that reason alone I wouldn't want to spoil them now!
9 Oct, 2011
Agree wholeheartedly, Bluespruce - and I like to leave the plumes in place all winter for the birds to use as nesting material in very early spring...
As for Gardeners' World doing it now,hmmm,well don't know what to say about that - my Grasses book (and my Encyclopaedia) says it should not be cut back hard at this time of year, at the start of winter, but left till early spring... If it was Monty doing the hacking and splitting, I think I can safely ignore it ... he does a lot of things that drive me bonkers and aren't entirely appropriate.
9 Oct, 2011
Agreed bamboo! :o)
9 Oct, 2011
Bamboo, several years ago, on the programme, Monty removed the flowering plumes as they detracted from the leaves, if I remember right, do you recall. Never liked him since.
Good luck with the splitting Pont ... really tough roots.
9 Oct, 2011
No doubt you can tell I`m no expert in the garden. I`ve put this pamper in the wrong place and he hasn`t thrived but he has managed one flower, I really can`t take a knife to it. So I am very grateful for your comments. Spring it is then! P
9 Oct, 2011
Dawnsaunt, are you serious? I never saw Monty do that, but how ridiculous, I mean the leaves are okay, but the magnificence of a pampas is its fantastic plumes. Whatever is the matter with the bloke - I've stopped watching him, drives me bonkers, after seeing him putting thick branches as supports for a clematis to 'climb up' which of course it won't, because they're too thick, and then 4 weeks later in jobs for the week, showing how to tie a clematis to the thick, ugly, knobbly branches he'd selected as a support. For goodness' sake, life's too short...
10 Oct, 2011
Yes Bamboo, he did. I didnt see the clematis support fiasco, thankfully, he's certainly not my cup of tea.
10 Oct, 2011
No training as a horticulturalist or gardener either... which might explain his methods! Not saying he's always wrong, but he does have some strange ideas and commonly gives bad advice in the newspaper column.
10 Oct, 2011
Hey-Hey-Hey !
Yous have hi-jacked my poor little Pampas with your soapbox. P
10 Oct, 2011
Sorry Pontoonpete, any excuse for a natter... or as I prefer to call it, an exchange of views and information, lol!
11 Oct, 2011
Okay Bamboo,
guess you know I`m only kidding!
Regards Pete.
11 Oct, 2011
Don't get me started on Monty Don!!! ffs haha
11 Oct, 2011
Sorry Pontoon, as friends we sometimes get a bit carried away on discussions. Good luck with the Pampas grass.
However, Bamboo how does Monty get away with it.
11 Oct, 2011
I have no idea - after years of being in the shade (he was ill some years ago) he now seems to be everywhere, difficult to get away from him and his frequently dodgy advice.
12 Oct, 2011
You must cringe at times when the convincing but wrong advice is broadcast.
12 Oct, 2011
Cringe? Well I guess I wince initially, but within seconds am ranting, lol! Even if there's no one else around to hear - you know, that shouting at the telly thing;-)
13 Oct, 2011
Ha ha Bamboo, can just picture you.
15 Oct, 2011
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You could do it now, but probably easier to try in the spring - in March, after you've hacked it back to a central stump, when it'll be easier to dig it up and split because you're not being cut to ribbons by the leaves.
9 Oct, 2011