By Rosebud2
United Kingdom
Is Virginia Creeper suitable for hiding an ugly fence also, the garden is monoblocked so would it grow in a tub? if not any suggestions - thanks folks
15 Oct, 2011
Bear in mind that even vigorous climbers will not achieve their full height and spread contained in a tub - use the largest tub you can fit in to help improve topgrowth. And I'm sorry to disagree Bulbaholic, but neither Clematis montana nor alpina are evergreen. If the area is shady, consider Hydrangea anomala, but, although Virginia Creeper drops its leaves in winter, the quantity of stem growth should disguise most of the fence even in winter once its got going.
15 Oct, 2011
Or would you be better with a number of good sized tubs and a shrub in each one?
With Photinia Red Robin or Escallonia or Viburnum maybe.
15 Oct, 2011
Is that something to do with the north/south divide Bamboo? Both our alpinas and montanas hold most of their leaves through the winter.
15 Oct, 2011
also you can bye different materials like split bamboo on a roll that you litteraly staple to your origional fence with instant effect . look for a good deal as the price varies a lot . it comes in hights up to 6` tall and about 16` long . then you can plant what you want . ever thaught of having a whole planter built across the whole end and a good hight so you dont have to bend down and it will help your plants and cover some of the ugly fence . theres one on one of my blogs . i built it in my dog run so it looked better and the dogs couldnt kill it .
16 Oct, 2011
I'm astonished, Bulbaholic - I can't imagine why montana would retain leaves in Scotland when it doesn't in the south. Are you absolutely certain they're clematis montana and alpina?
16 Oct, 2011
Since the start of this thread I have checked the literature and see that they are classed as decidous; pleased that ours don't read! My own observation is that ours tend to get scruffy but keep most of their leaves. There is never an issue with fallen leaves from them. I am quite sure of the species as well, in fact we collected the alpina seed ourselves from the wild in Austria many, many years ago.
16 Oct, 2011
Perhaps the alpina seed is different in some way from the alpina varieties we purchase here - I would dearly like to see a photograph of the montana in leaf...
16 Oct, 2011
I think a long trough is a brilliant idea. It would give you enough soil to support quite a big climber. You might build one with concrete blocks - not pretty but you could grow stuff to train over the edge and hide it a bit. Fuchsia Lena would do a good job of that in summer if you are prepared to keep sweeping up the dead flowers! I can forgive Virginia Creeper for looking scruffy in winter because it is so glorious in autumn.
I have never seen an evergreen Montana either.
You can train pyracantha against a fence with care and attention, and it will flower and berry beautifully.
16 Oct, 2011
you could pebble dash or render blocks to like i did sterogram x .
17 Oct, 2011
And I bet you decorated them with something impressive as well. Did you ever find your mushroom?
19 Oct, 2011
no i didnt yet steragram . not to worry my planters got 9 indenticle skulls around it . its on one of my blogs x .
20 Oct, 2011
Scary. I worry about you sometimes!
20 Oct, 2011
Further to the non-decidous Clematis montana question I have just posted a picture I have found of ours, taken in May 2009. Not the clearest pic I am afraid but this clematis holds onto it's leaves through the winter.
23 Oct, 2011
It is not really suitable as it loses it leaves in autumn so you would still be left with the ugly fence. Ivy is self-clinging like the Virginia Creeper and the montana and alpina clematis are vigorous and evergreen.
15 Oct, 2011