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By Dreeny8

Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

I have a Climbing Rose which is just over 3 yrs old. It is by the side of the front door. I did not have a lot of space, but took a chance. It has performed beautifully, with repeat flowering until October. However, it is getting rather too large for the alloted spot. Having no where else to place it, I was wondering whether at 3yrs, it would be safe to cut it right back, or severely prune.
Also, can I do it now or should I wait until March.

Thank-u gardeners.




Last week of February is best, although you can remove some of the longer growths now (if you've nowhere to tie them in) to prevent wind rock over winter.

15 Oct, 2011


To keep it flowering throughout the summer, I would be inclined to prune out the oldest wood each year and bend the new, pliable wood to the horizontal (if possible), to encourage plenty of new growth and flowers. Best done in the dormant period.

17 Oct, 2011

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