By Plantlife
United Kingdom
Hi - It's a busy lizzie question again! I have an indoor one which has been flowering beautifully for months. Even though it's still flowering, should I cut it back at this time. It seems such a shame when it's looking so gorgeous.
Thanks, by the way, for answering my previous questions - appreciated.
18 Oct, 2011
I would only keep dead-heading and cut back to base in spring once all flowering has finished ... others may advise differently but seems a shame to cut off the flowers while they look so good. When in doubt I cut back after flowering has finished, then water and give a good root feed.
18 Oct, 2011
No I would only pinch back if it starts to get too big and leggy.
18 Oct, 2011
I never cut mine back Plantlife,they will continue flowering indoors for as long as you let them as long as you dont leave them on cold windowsills at night. Dont water them too much during winter.
18 Oct, 2011