How do I get rid of these bulbs?
By Razali
United Kingdom
I've got nothing but wild onion bulbs covering my flower beds which I cleared last summer. |The soil is more like clay. How can I get rid of them- do I need to pick out bulb by bulb?
16 Mar, 2009
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onions & shallots
I have exactly the same problem, and roundup didn't even touch them, we tried! We also tried blinding them with weed suppressing fabric - again no joy. I now have to pick each and every bulb out of the soil as I dig it. Eventually I hope to get rid of the lot!
One other thing, they also reproduce by setting seed I think, so picking off all the flowers as you see them might help to slow the spread.
16 Mar, 2009
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Allium Giganteum
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Unless someone comes up with something better, Razali, then yes, I am afraid that you are going to have to pick every tiny bulb. The smallest bulb left in the soil will start a new colony. Pain, isn't it.
Roundup might work but your other plants then at risk.
16 Mar, 2009