By Mrsk
United Kingdom
Do I have to prune my new climbing geraniums? if so when and how much? they have grown about 4 feet so far.
20 Oct, 2011
Previous question
Hi Mrs K and welcome to GoY. I had to google "climbing geraniums" & discovered that these are extra tall Pelargoniums that you need to tie in to supports. So about as good at real climbing as the Fuchsia 'Lady Boothby'. (Nuff said!)
Pelargoniums are not hardy, so you will either need to take cuttings to winter indoors or dig up your plants, cut them back by about half and keep the whole plant somewhere frost-free. I find that pelargoniums can take a small amount of frost but not a normal British winter, and certainly not the sort of winter the forecasters have warned us we're likely to get this winter.
To be on the safe side, you could do both of the above steps - Lift and pot up the plants to store somewhere cool but not freezing, and use the tops of the bits you trim off as cuttings.
Doogiedog answered a question about overwintering pelargoniums here -
and Bilbobaggins gave a link to a useful website with more suggestions.
20 Oct, 2011