By Geordielad50
Northumberland / tyneside, United Kingdom
Found affids/greenfly on a few of my fuchsia cuttings. Seem to recall someone on GOY suggesting washing liquid. Do`s anyone know the ratio please?
- 26 Oct, 2011
thank you Bulbaholic, visit to GC tommorow then
26 Oct, 2011
I use 1 tsp of WUL to a gallon with I tsp of cooking oil this makes it stick and last a bit longer. But I agree with Bulbaholic if the infestation is bad!
26 Oct, 2011
Thanks for the tip DRC I do use wul but never added cooking oil.
Many thanks thats great.
27 Oct, 2011
I was told about a home-made organic aphid spray, Geordielad, using rhubarb leaves, shredded, steeped in water, left in a big clip-topped container to become really nasty for a few months, shaking occasionally, then strained and a drop or two of washing-up liquid added to cut down the surface tension and make it stick to the leaves. I did try using it last year, diluted by about 3:1 and it probably did make a difference, but it is always difficult to gauge. I, like Bulbaholic, eventually rather shamefacedly resorted to a chemical spray. It might be worth trying, though. It depends on how heavy the infestation and how early you can start to treat it. I really don't like using chemicals, either, if I can avoid it. Bit late to do it this year, I think, but worth bearing in mind next time anyone is making rhubarb crumble and has just cut a great pile of poisonous leaves off.........
27 Oct, 2011
I stopped growing the one useful herb that I would use, Basil, due to rampant Aphid infestations, tried soaking them off with a hose (does kind of work, but not for long). Then tried garlic and it worked.
Boil 1-2 cloves in water, let it cool and put in a spray can. It does stop slugs as well as they must not like the taste and it seems to do no harm to the plant.
As you will not be eating your Fuschia, I would try chemical sprays as others have said.
27 Oct, 2011
Thank you to all for advice, tried WUL and failed ate all the crumble so got bug spray from GC. Will definatly try the garlic idea on a couple of plants.
27 Oct, 2011
thank you for all the tips, will try the garlic idea on a couple of plants. Have bug spray on standby.
27 Oct, 2011
PC crashed inbetween, thought first thank you got lost.
27 Oct, 2011
Geordielad, I consider myself to be a 95% organic gardener but when I comes to issues like this I resort to a chemical bug killer. I confine this to the greenhouse and ornamental plants but I still want the little b's dead.
26 Oct, 2011