photinia leaves droopy and brown
By Heatherc9
United Kingdom
I planted my red robin a few years ago. This winter it seems to be very droopy and the leaves are dull brown now?. is this the normal way the red robin behaves. it is in the front garden into the ground lots of heather s and good soil around it. not choking or beside any other plant.
On plant
19 Mar, 2009
I think you are about the fifth person in the last few weeks to describe a problem with their photinia.....including me.
I am told that its probably because of the wet winter we had.
I have sprayed mine with a fungicide and am waiting and hoping.
19 Mar, 2009
i think because of all the mild winters this frosty wet winter has shocked everything
20 Mar, 2009
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Oh dear, Heather - that sounds like a poorly tree. It could have suffered from the cold weather we had. Give it a feed of blood, fish and bone and wait and see for a while before you do anything to it. I hope it perks up!
19 Mar, 2009