By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Hi. When is the best time to grow the seeds that I have just taken from my Allium.
2 Nov, 2011
Thanks Kildermorie.
I was going to plant them in pots so that I could give them to friends and place them in an area out of the way:o))
2 Nov, 2011
I too would sow in pots rather than the open ground, easier to remember where they are :-)
2 Nov, 2011
Thank You Moon Grower, thats two useful answers now :o))
2 Nov, 2011
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Throw them in the border now - they need to cold and wet weather to germinate. I would put them somewhere you can forget about them as they take 3-5 years to flower and will only get small leaves till then.
2 Nov, 2011