By Byles
United Kingdom
should i put a green house over my pams for the winter to keep the frost from getting to them?

10 Nov, 2011
The difficulty with you putting a greenhouse over your palms or the winter is that other plants you have in that bed will not take kindly to. There is also the challenge of anchoring it down to the ground.
10 Nov, 2011
thank you for your help. i live east anglia way not to far from norwich/lowestoft should i protect them individually or not at all, what would you recomend i planted them early june this year?.
10 Nov, 2011
I would put hessian around the Canary Palm and Cordyline when it is forecast to get really cold (below -5). Both are hardy-ish in full sun and dry soil. You can tie up the leaves of both before wrapping with hessian - it will also help to keep the rain and stop rot and frost damaging and killing them.
10 Nov, 2011
Previous question
In some milder, sheltered parts of the country they can survive without protection, but far safer to put them into a frost-free place. It would be helpful to know where you live?
10 Nov, 2011