Snails have eaten my new Clematis!
By Spritzhenry
West Somerset,
I planted three baby Clematis in March and to my horror found that two of them and another planted last year have been eaten right down to the base by snails. Can anyone hold any hope out to me that they may yet recover and re-shoot? They are now protected, of course!
On plant
12 Apr, 2008
I think they will grow again from the roots. Are you sure it was snails?Another possibility is mice, they love clematis too.
12 Apr, 2008
12 Apr, 2008
Hi Spritz
Spread some crushed eggshellsaround the plants. Snails and slugs don't like trying to slide over them.
If it is possible, just clear a bit of the growing medium away and check to see if the roots are OK. I would imagine they are.
It could also be birds pecking at the new buds. Cut a pop bottle in two and cover the stumps. Plenty of time for new shoots to be reborn.
12 Apr, 2008
It depends on how deep you planted them . Clematis should be planted three or four inches deeper than they came in the pot then if you do loose them they will reshoot.
12 Apr, 2008
One of my young clematis got a bit munched on. Luckily, it was still in a pot, so I just took it into the greenhouse - it's shooting again now... :-)
12 Apr, 2008
Thanks for the encouragement, guys. I shall watch them like a hawk for new growth. I know it was snails because I put slug pellets out and killed 9 snails. We do get occasional visits from a tiny mouse in the summer but he/she tends to lurk near the bird feeder and gather up the dropped seeds! He/she isn't around yet. I get more snails than slugs in the garden, probably due to the nooks and crannies in the dry stone walls we have. Philip, I do normally plant them quite deeply in case of Clematis wilt. Maybe that will help them. I'll try putting the half-bottles over the two real babies to 'bring them on' a bit, with fingers crossed!
13 Apr, 2008
oops, sorry ... slow connection + impatient fingers !
13 Apr, 2008
Fingers tightly crossed here for you, Spritz. :-)
[Note to self ... check on baby clematis received for Mothering Sunday :-S]
13 Apr, 2008
Spritz ~ Sorry about your clematis, those are so pretty and early bloomers too. I've been using beer and have gotten quite a few slugs. I guess they died happy... or indifferent, ha ha
14 Apr, 2008
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Spritz sweetie I can well imagine your horror in finding the aftermath of the beastly snails midnight snack! :o( I'm pretty sure that if it was snails then your roots will be fine and should start growing again now but if it was the dreaded vine weevil then it very well might be time for screaming! Good
12 Apr, 2008