By Avkq47
United Kingdom
Hello ... I have a question for Bulbaholic, following an answer you gave a previous question about bulb storage:
You mentioned South African bulbs - would this include the Kaffir Lilly, pinky colour, lovely flower, schitzi something is the proper name? My father is growing these and they are still flowering in his summer house in Birmingham - he moved them in about a month ago. They are in a pot. Should he just let them die down and dry out until next spring/summer? Would you recommend re-potting in fresh compost?
15 Nov, 2011
I find Schzostylis is hardy and perfectly at home in flower beds. If your father wants to grow them in pots and move them into a summer house, that's fine, but they don't need it.
15 Nov, 2011
I leave mine in the ground and they come up each year
16 Nov, 2011
Probably depends on how hard your winters are.
16 Nov, 2011
Thank you Bulbaholic - advice much appreciated.
16 Nov, 2011
Hi Avkg, I would recommend re-potting all bulbs and pot plants annually - however I can assure you that I never quite manage to achieve "all" !
As for your father's Schizostylis coccinea, Kaffir Lilies, I would currently keep them in a frost free environment and keep watering until they have chosen the right time to die back and go into hibernation. Then dry them off, repot and keep until next spring.
With the seasons that we are currently experiencing I think that we are all experimenting with our growing methodes. "The World is Changing" (quote from start of The Lord of the Rings)!!!!!
15 Nov, 2011