By Variegated
United Kingdom
Hi experts, and thank you for your replies.
I bought Variegated Star Jasmine 3ft plant from the internet. 1X 3FT LARGE TRACHELOSPERMUM JASMINOIDES VARIEGATA CLIMBING PLANT 'Star Jasmine' The picture shows the lovely variegated leaves advertised when I purchased it. However, it has only dark green glossy leaves. I'm wondering if this will change to variagation later, or if a mistake has been made.

15 Nov, 2011
Thank you.
15 Nov, 2011
Variegation in some plants depends on the amount of sunlight they receive ...
16 Nov, 2011
But not this one, Terratoonie. I also would ask for a replacement, Variegated.
16 Nov, 2011
sometimes the stronger genes take over like my verigated acer which i constantly have to cut the completly green leaves of as they will take over . i also baught a red newzealand flax that is now totaly green . as said take it back .
17 Nov, 2011
I would expect it to have variegation now. I would get back in touch with the supplier and ask for a replacement that is variegated.
15 Nov, 2011