By Beresforda
United Kingdom
Can anyone identify the small animal that left these faeces on a bench in our garage which had been inadvertently left open overnight?

16 Nov, 2011
Thats what I thought they looked like too MG
16 Nov, 2011
Phew... thought I was loosing the plot!
16 Nov, 2011
if that is where it was found i doubt it would be worms climbing that high or am i losing the plot.
16 Nov, 2011
possibly squirrel but not typical to find them in neat piles.
16 Nov, 2011
A worm cast on a bench? ... perhaps, if moved from the lawn?!!
16 Nov, 2011
Are there any overhanging plants - could be caterpillar poo. And please, no more pics of c*** :-(
I've had enough of them....
16 Nov, 2011
Squirrel poo is tiny - little mouse-like pellets produced wherever they feel like it. Squirrels are incontinent on both fronts, so no piles of poo ... sorry but had one as a pet for 6 months so definitely not squirrel. This query is definitely strange!!
16 Nov, 2011
Sorry beattie but caterpillars don't aim that straight, ie into ONE pile outside of the plant! Is query genuine?!!
16 Nov, 2011
I agree with Beattie.
17 Nov, 2011
Thanks for all your replies (and yes, the enquiry is genuine!)- still no wiser, bench (18-24 inches high) was in garage so no overhanging plants, definitely no lawn in the garage, we do have a squirrel in the garden occasionally but can't think of anything else.
17 Nov, 2011
If there are no overhanging plants, what's that green thing at the top of the photo? Have you checked THAT ONE for caterpillars?
17 Nov, 2011
most rodents are as said incontinant excuse my spelling . it mite look like a worm cast which would be my guess on the lawn but the very nature of a worm cast means weather a worm gets up there it still wouldnt be that . you cant build tunnels without pushing the soil somewear like moles do . the mane thing is i doubt very much that it is anything to worry about especialy this time of year .sorry that people ask about scat, poo etc but it can in lots of cases be a very importent question to a gardener beattie . take care everyone .
17 Nov, 2011
Reply to Beattie's response - we brought the bench out of the garage so we could take a photograph in the daylight - the plant is a palm which is kept on the patio!
Thanks to all who replied, we will let you know if anything further is discovered.
17 Nov, 2011
your welcome beresforda .
17 Nov, 2011
Previous question
Looks like worm casts to me having zoomed in...
16 Nov, 2011