What are you planting / sowing now?
By Poshcloche
United Kingdom
Hello all,
I would love to know what you are all planting and sowing now and if you are putting it outside yet.?
28 Mar, 2009
So far I have sown:
Cucumber 'Carmen'
Echinacea paradoxa
Datura tatula
Melianthus major
Plants clogging up my driveway that I intend to plant out this year (if there's room):
Dracunculus vulgaris
Eremerus x isabellinus `Ruiter Hybrids'
Tricyrtis formonosa 'Dark Beauty'
Helleborus argutifolius 'Silver Lace'
Allium 'Mars'
Geranium pratense 'Splish Splash'
Eucomis bicolor
Echinacea 'White Swan'
Plants I've ordered that haven't arrived yet:
Paris polyphylla
Nomocharis aperta
28 Mar, 2009
Seeds in the greenhouse - in the propagator, Verbena Bonariensis, annual Rudbeckia, one more I can't think of. Pricked out - Gazanias, Antirrhinum and Salvia (biennial), also Ipomoea, a few extra sweetpeas. tomatoes, bacopa. hardy geraniums getting some tlc, Penstemon cuttings. Begonias, Mini-Gladioli, three pots of Dahlias. The shelf collapsed yesterday!!
In the coldframe - baby Hebes from cuttings, Stocks, and more small geraniums (hardy ones).
Lots of seeds waiting their turn, and packets of nigella (white and shades of blue) in my pocket I wanted to sow but the weather is just too cold.
I did plant out my October-sown sweet peas 10 days ago, though. They are shivering a bit!
More plants to go out when the weather gets a bit warmer and more ordered on the way - soon I hope! Lots and lots of Lilies in pots at the moment. Busy time ahead!
28 Mar, 2009
Just to digress a little bit - we have just come back from shopping and bought a ready grown window sill tray of 'cut&come again' lettuce for the kitchen windowsill. This is something I had never thought of and I am now keen to sow a small tray of my own to follow on with. I don't usually plant out this type of letuce until May/June time.
28 Mar, 2009
have lettuce and carrots growing in pots in the greenhouse.
brussell sprouts are about 1/4" tall in the seed bed .
in the utilty room we have tomatoes 5" tall, aubergines , patio toms , and some flowers , all doing nicely. and under fleece in one of the raised beds we have lettuce, rocket and beetroot sown , but havn't checked to see if anything is up yet.......................steve
28 Mar, 2009
planted out sweet peas clematis and spinach. sown Ipomoea and lobata indoors. pot marigolds, more sweet peas, nigella, opium poppies and coriander out side. Oh and repotted a blueberry bush I was given for Christmas
28 Mar, 2009
I haven't planted anything out yet because our soil is still ice about 4 inches down. :o(
28 Mar, 2009
Oh dear Gilli. We are all having a moan about the cold weather here in the UK, but should be counting our blessings really. And think about Greenthumb up there in Alaska!
28 Mar, 2009
i havent put anything out yet still too cold, but i have in my mini greenhouse,
Swan River Daisy
Gardeners Delight tomato
Sweet peas
28 Mar, 2009
seeds sown include, pelargonium, echinacea lustre hybrids, echinacea pallida, aquligea [a yellow form] trifollium rubens, lychnis calchedonica, ageratum, sweetpeas, broadbeans,greyhound cabbages, spring onions, oriental poppy pink coral,hollyhocks there are others but without a trip to the greenhouse cant remember.
cuttings include 5 types of penstemons, 5 types of fuchsia, night phlox, osteospermum, gaillardi 3 varieties, agastche anista, heuchera, 3 types of chrysanthemums
bulbs corms etc: dahlias, gladiolus, dutch irises, hemerocallis martagon lilies, scented summer lilies, asiatic lilies, toadlilies, and there are bound to be some i have forgotten.
green house is rather full as is the back drive/path.
still got to sow toms, peppers, cucs, french beans and runner beans.
28 Mar, 2009
Fantastic, that is a lot of planting going on. Right, I am going to go through the list one by one and get my seed packets out.
It makes me laugh how many of us have every windowsill in the house full to capacity with seedlings. When I run out of room indoors I start looking at the seedlings and wonder who can go outdoors to make more windowsil room for new seedlings.
28 Mar, 2009
Just to add to the list I sowed Calendula, Tagetes and Aster on Tuesday, and both the Marigolds are through already. I shall pop them inbetween plants to keep greenfly at bay.
28 Mar, 2009
In the greenhouses I have cosmos, impatiens, French marigolds and - finally! - managed to get two hollyhock seeds to germinate. Brussels sprouts, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, broad beans and lettuce.
In the ground I have four lettuces under their cloches of cut-down 5ltr water bottles, Chantenay carrots and a row of mangetout - also under water bottle cloches. We also planted 42 red and white potatoes and two peach trees.
We've had lovely sunny weather for about two weeks then yesterday - it SNOWED!! We're promised our sunny weather back by Tuesday.
29 Mar, 2009
kohlrabi, turnips, peas, sweetpeas, rocket, chard, flax (wildcard there), erm, one courgette seed but it escaped. It's somewhere in the kitchen, probably traumatised now.
Want to get some "poached egg plant" sown as well, becos i read that the bees will be grateful.
Someone Else seems to have planted the usual weeds though, drat.
29 Mar, 2009
Previous question
« will a sharp frost affect my fruit trees as theh are plenty in leaf bud.
Planned on planing broad beans and some brassica this w/e. No way - the eather is too bad. Should really remeber to start the tomatoes though. The moon calendar gives the w/e as suitable for working with fruiting plants.
28 Mar, 2009