Seakale? Help please.
By Tussiemussie
Nr Rye, East Sussex,
United Kingdom
Have planted some seeds, I am trying to include more perennial plants in my veggie garden. Has anyone any advice on position/ and requirements please?
I believe they need blanching.
On plant
Seakale maritima
17 Jun, 2007
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LOL Have found an answer on the internet
Victoriana nursery have seeds and cultural instructions....
Sow seeds in trays in temperature of 60°f - 65°f.
Transplant plants 2’6”
Grow like cabbage.
Cut off tops by November (and put on the compost heap as it is tough and not pleasant to eat). Ensure ground area is slug free (use our Banish). Cover cut off plants individually with plastic buckets or similar. Tender golden shoots appear prepare and use like Asparagus really delicious.
Perennial in habit.
Hope I haven't killed mine off it got much hotterthan temperatures recommended in the greenhouse.
21 Jun, 2007