By Dorjac
United Kingdom
Has anyone got a solution to my problem. On 2/12/11 I broke my left ankle. The bit that sticks out on the inside! Now the garden is full of overturned pots after 2 gales. The bird feeders are empty. I shouldn't put weight on it, and the plaster is not water proof. Some of my bulbs have not been planted. Some have. None of my tender plants are under cover. I get round the house and the hospital (visiting hubby) on a rollator scooting expert at this. But H and S in garden makes this a no go area. The feral ginger moggie now sits on my green wheelie and glowers at me through the kitchen na na na nan a!!!!! 6 weeks hoppity hop and the threat of pinning if it doesn't heal. Bye Bye garden.
18 Dec, 2011
I haven't got a solution but I spent most of last summer, autumn and the whole of Christmas and new year in hospital last year and the garden was totally neglected along with the pots and hanging baskets. I didn't lose a thing and it all sprang back into life again so fingers crossed for you. So have a good Christmas and new year and don't worry about it.
18 Dec, 2011
Neighbours/neighbours teenagers? Cannot you find some local who finishes school this year and need some cash to come and help for an agreed sum. Accept that they are not going to do it prefectly but it will keep your garden moving forward.
18 Dec, 2011
Could you manage to throw some birdseed out of the window if there is a hard frost? Can't think of anything else except enlisting someone to help. Hope you get better soon without the need for a pin. I know you can ger plastic covers for plasters for showering, but it doesn't sound as though you can go out even if you are waterproof. Don't let it spoil your Christmas!
18 Dec, 2011
Sorry to hear about your injury and problems.
The only thing I can add is re bulbs - what I would do is either put them in the fridge to arrest any development or put them outside under some compost in a pot.
18 Dec, 2011
Sorry to hear you're in the wars Dorjac. I agree with Cammomile - you'll be surprised how well the garden comes back when you can get back in there. It's a good job it's not that busy a time of year. Don't stress about a handful of bulbs, the birds will find someone else to feed them for a while. It's much more important to get your ankle well again.
And Bulbaholic's suggestion of asking a neighbour or one of their kids for help is a good one. Getting the tender things into cover, popping in those bulbs and retrieving the windblown pots are all easy jobs that you could assign one at a time and anyone could do.
I hope you're up and on your feet properly soon, but don't rush it and cause more damage. The recuperation may take some time, but go carefully.
18 Dec, 2011
Thanks everyone for being so kind as to answer my question. I did ask the man who usually does the garden, cuts grass, and does other odd jobs, but he said he he 'had a lot on' at this time of the year.He has gone off the map for some reason or other. He rang me, not t'other way round. I think that's what got to me.....The complete reality of our situation is far bleaker than I have revealed. There a rowan berries and the remains of the grapes for birds to eat too and they are tucking in. Other people have been wonderfully kind.
19 Dec, 2011
Best wishes to you for a good recovery. Stay off the foot, sit back and enjoy what you can reach. The rest will still be there when you have the ability to deal with it. Happy Christmas!
19 Dec, 2011
This is one area when the local church could be helpful to you.
19 Dec, 2011
Or the local gardening club, if there is one.
19 Dec, 2011
Do you have a local horticultural college? Yellow pages might help. They are always on the look out for garden projects and maintenance work for their students. IF you draw a blank then the national horticultural college at Pershore, Worcestershire, might have some contacts in your area to help. Best wishes to you both. Don't hesitate to come back to this site if you need further information.
Sorry ... missed adding the website ... here it is ...
19 Dec, 2011
I'm sorry to hear that, Dorjac. Get well soon - and try not to worry too much about your garden, especially at this time of year. It'll still be there when your ankle heals.
19 Dec, 2011
Someone put adverts for some expensive surgical ankle appliances above my question!!!!! One needs a sense of humour at the moment in time.....or else.
18 Dec, 2011