By Dorjac
United Kingdom
Has anyone got a solution to my problem. On 2/12/11 I broke my left ankle. The bit that sticks out on the inside! Now the garden is full of overturned pots after 2 gales. The bird feeders are empty. I shouldn't put weight on it, and the plaster is not water proof. Some of my bulbs have not been planted. Some have. None of my tender plants are under cover. I get round the house and the hospital (visiting hubby) on a rollator scooting expert at this. But H and S in garden makes this a no go area. The feral ginger moggie now sits on my green wheelie and glowers at me through the kitchen na na na nan a!!!!! 6 weeks hoppity hop and the threat of pinning if it doesn't heal. Bye Bye garden.
18 Dec, 2011
Could you not get friends/family to help you as regards the overturned pots and tender plants and as for the bulbs, can you not just put them in pots near the house. If the answer is no, I would just leave the garden until later. I've forgotten to plant bulbs before and just planted them the following season - they still grew!
18 Dec, 2011
Hi Dorjac, so sorry to hear about your problems. Have you looked around for any local volunteer groups or church groups that provide befriending and helping services. If you are in the older age group then Age Concern can help. I'm sure your part of the world will have something. Best wishes to you and your husband for a rapid recovery, Chris
19 Dec, 2011
Hello Dorjac sorry to hear this, what a rotten time you are having.
I would make yourself the priority not the garden it will still be there next year. What is a few loses if you fall over again or at the very least set your healing back?
No you need to look after yourself and let the garden take care of itself.
Best wishes to you both and I hope 2012 starts off better for you.
19 Dec, 2011
Do you have a local horticultural college? Yellow pages might help. They are always on the look out for garden projects and maintenance work for their students. IF you draw a blank then the national horticultural college at Pershore, Worcestershire, might have some contacts in your area to help. Best wishes to you both. Don't hesitate to come back to this site if you need further information.
19 Dec, 2011
Sorry ... missed adding the website ... here it is ...
19 Dec, 2011
We do have a garden helper/handyman but the last time he rang me he had a really bad cold. He doesn't normally come at this time of the year. He rang me socially first of all, to take my husband on a Christmas trip out to the Squadron naafi at North Weald airfield.(they both like planes). Then his nephew gave him a bad just made me realise what a fragile hold we oldies have on independence. Just thrown some ancient chips out for the birds and made ginger feral run off from his cosy corner......he he he. Tesco sent tea leaves(didn't notice when I took delivery) instead of bags, and the brake cable on my rollator needed re threading....wonder what else will happen....something nice I hope!!!!!!!
21 Dec, 2011
hi d if you do need to go out why not try a piece of old car tyre cut a little bigger than your plaster and tie it to your foot that will keep the plaster dry.thats what the hospital gave me when i broke mine some 30 odd years ago mind with cutbacks at least you got plastered i think they was called rockers then.good luck..i think you need it.
21 Dec, 2011
If you can make a cat run off - I am with you 110%! Blasted animals. My neighbours used to send me regular texts asking if I soaked their pet - the answer was always yes. I don't get text messages from them anymore, and the only cats I get are new ones that don't know the rules about my garden, until the hose pipe gets them!!
22 Dec, 2011
It's easy to make Ginger Cat run off as he's so shy. Some visiting cats look at you from a safe distance with an utter contempt.Come and get me. Chase me or do even worse!!! If they have an owner attached, who thinks no one should even frown at that fluffy darling scratching up your seedlings and doing smelly toxoplasmosis poo in your makes life tedious if they then use bully texts to defend their wandering poo machine!!! Motto 'do not give iffy neighbours your mobe no'. By the way my compost box is cleared, the seeds are replenished for birds. The bin has a liner and the kitchen is less chaotic (Friends who stayed all of Boxing Day)
28 Dec, 2011
There is hope ... about a month ago now there was an article in daily telegraph about a moggie that received a court injunction stopping him from terrorising the neighbour!! The owners have been forced to either keep him indoors or leash him ... I feel soooooo sad for them (not!). It's about time the same rules are applied to cats as to dogs, ie provide cat litter/sand/whatever for your cat to poo and clean it up yourself, plus collar and bell (for the birds - 100 million a year!!) with id chip for owner address. I figure the cat population will halve in 5 years as the reason most people get cats is because they don't have to bother cleaning up after them or take them for walks etc. I live in hope ...
29 Dec, 2011
I don't bother to be a pet owner any more, after some thirty years of cat owning. Vets are expensive as they age. Fleas, food fads, scratching carpets, killing birds, and bullying, if you have more than one. Scratching in newly turned soil. Ginger Feral got on my tulip pots this year and half emptied them!!!!Spooky another feral, who begs more next door than to me, has all next doors sheltered accom gardens to scrat about in, and defends it with gusto....ginger mog gets sorted.
30 Dec, 2011
Id wrap my plaster in a black bin bag! but if you cant put your weight on the heel Id just forget about the garden untill you are better.
18 Dec, 2011