By Bainliam
United Kingdom
I have a miniature Christmas tree bought from homebase in December approx 35-40cm high and I was wondering whether it would be suitable for planting outdoors and if so when and what would i do with it meantime i.e keep it indoors which it is used to or put it outside to acclimatise.
Just wondering if anyone else has tried this and been successful
6 Jan, 2012
Agree with Ladyessex we did just the same planted one in the garden, far too big now can see it'll be chopped next year to use as the 2012 christmas tree.
6 Jan, 2012
Places like Homebase seem to sell at least 3 types of Christmans tree - Norway Spruce, Picea Glauca and Nordmann Fir. Picea Glauca is the only one suitable for a garden as the rest will grow massive given time.
7 Jan, 2012
We have just planted out our 2 Norway spruces in the garden. (we are lucky to have a fair amount of space) One stayed outside in a pot last year, and stayed alive but didn't do terribly well. (probably because for quite a lot of the time it was against a wall) If you keep them in a heated environment, I am sure they will suffer needle drop and not recover well. If it isn't frozen underfoot, I think you might be advised to get it into the ground. A lot of people here grow theirs in the garden and pot it up each year to bring it into the house or onto their balcony.
7 Jan, 2012
Actually, just found an old article with the advice to repot any healthy tree in John Innes number 3, in AT LEAST a 10" pot, gently and gradually acclimatise the tree to the outdoors, then sink the whole pot (Pref terracotta) somewhere in the garden, so you can use it again each year without disturbing the roots, until it outgrows the pot.
7 Jan, 2012
Good on yer Gattina, beat me to it!
7 Jan, 2012
My energy astounds me, Steragram - it's not often I manage to beat anyone to anything these days.
I think the best way to acclimatise it to the outside, is, if you can, to put it outside during the day, but bring it inside a porch or a greenhouse or garage at nighttime for a week or so, Bainliam, then plant it out.
7 Jan, 2012
Agree totally ... planted mine outside 4 years ago, in its original pot through which it has rooted into the ground. I cut the height off it every couple of years, to what I want, and trim its branches. Every week I gave it a good water, but now only water when there hasn't been rain for a while. My children still look out and comment on 'THE' christmas tree!
10 Jan, 2012
Thanks everybody for all your advice and assistance. I am currently acclimitasing the tree by putting it outside a few hours a day then taking it back into the porch and it is looking well.
31 Jan, 2012
Are you going to plant it in your garden, would like to see a picture, hope you plant it well away from the house if to do :0)
5 Feb, 2012
My Mum had one bought for her years ago, it was covered in white stuff, we planted it in the garden but quite a few years later we relized we had put it in the wrong place as it got really big and had to cut it down in, such a shame so if you do plant it make sure you plant it in the right place or grow in a pot first.
Think it would be fine to put outside seeing the weather is quite good but wait to see what some eon else says first. Good Luck
6 Jan, 2012