Clematis for my archway
By Sewingkilla
North Lincolnshire,
United Kingdom
Hiya, re my new archway i want a Clematis to grow up it but i don't want one thats going to be too vigourous, can anyone suggest some please?
On plant
5 Apr, 2009
oh thankyou Wagger, thats great i have seen the Seiboldii one its white i think with a purple middle? i have written the suggestions down and will have a look at garden centre this week many thanks
5 Apr, 2009
Clematis jackmanii is reckoned to be the best hybrid ever raised - large purple flowers over a long period. Or how about some of the viticellas? They don't flower until late summer and autumn but then go on for weeks; also they don't get clematis wilt
5 Apr, 2009
Coincidentally I have been looking through a huge list of clematis today, there are several which seem like they'd be perfect for you, take a look!
5 Apr, 2009
You'd have to watch it with viticellas - some of them are, shall I say, more than vigorous even when cut back to a couple of inches.
5 Apr, 2009
Really Wagger? Sorry SK, looks like I steered you in the wrong direction, but I'm still tempted by a few!
5 Apr, 2009
thanks everyone i am off to surf the net to see the ones you have suggested, will let you know which i decided on!!
5 Apr, 2009
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Recommended by
NIOBE - an early large-flowering hybrid. This is a definite GardenAction clematis favourite for growing in containers. The flowers are deep purple and look like velvet.
These clematis should be lightly pruned in very early spring, but if some of the stems are hard pruned to 30cm (1ft), the flowering period will be extended by a month or so. Clematis florida 'Seiboldii' - a stunner for container growing. It's bright flowers are put to best effect when grown against a dark background such as a wall. This clematis is a mid to late summer flowering variety which requires only minimal pruning. Container grown it will reach a height of about 2m (6ft).
Clematis florida 'Seiboldii' - a stunner for container growing. It's bright flowers are put to best effect when grown against a dark background such as a wall. This clematis is a mid to late summer flowering variety which requires only minimal pruning. Container grown it will reach a height of about 2m (6ft).
Perle D'azur is a large-flowered clematis hybrid which produces its flowers in late summer. The sky blue flowers are delicate but produced freely - it is one of the best clematis hybrids of all times. Cut it right back to 30cm (1ft) in early Spring and it will reach a height of about 2m (6ft) in a container by the end of the season.
There are pictures on the site.
5 Apr, 2009