United Kingdom
Is Candytuft Iberis hardy enough for Scotland
16 Jan, 2012
No problem in Aberdeenshire. I have it spreading happily here.
16 Jan, 2012
Just out of curiosity, which Candytuft is this? There are several species.
19 Jan, 2012
In Britain candytuft refers to the genus Iberis, Tugbrethil. There are a number of species of annuals and perennials and, as far as I know, all are hardy.
19 Jan, 2012
Oh....I thought that I. gibraltica wasn't hardy, but I was wrong! : ]
20 Jan, 2012
Yes Charles, you will have no problem with the hardiness of candytuft. I suspect that it would probably grow within the arctic circle!
In fact, out of interest, I have just done a web search and found it growing in a garden in Finland!
16 Jan, 2012