By Owdboggy
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Grabbed by Geums
Who else likes these?
How many do you grow?
We have Gg Bell Bank, Blazing Sunset. x borisii, Bremner's Nectarine (my favourite), Cooky,Georgenburg, Lemon Drops, Lady Stratheden, Marmalade, Mrs. Bradshaw, rivale album, rivale Leonards Var. plus some others whose names escape me at present. I would like some more, if I can find room for them.
20 Jan, 2012
I too have one, a Geum Borisii I love it as it flowers all summer. I tried 'Mrs Bradshaw' but it not seem to like my garden.
20 Jan, 2012
I've tried a few geums but they don't seem to last more than three or four years with me
20 Jan, 2012
Andrew, they do need to be dug up and replanted in fresh soil rather often, same as Asters really.
20 Jan, 2012
I love Geum rivale, but I too find it dies out rather quickly in the soil here.
20 Jan, 2012
Geum rivale is definitely a bog plant with us too. I grow it in the dry stream bed.
20 Jan, 2012
I have 2 orange ones , one borisii 'orange queen' and another called Koi as in a goldfish colour. Not keen on the larger ones like Lady Strathden. I dont like their 'straggly' habit .
do like the wild wood avens though.
20 Jan, 2012
Have a look at this site
21 Jan, 2012
Thanks. I did have them in my Bookmarks, but had forgotten.
21 Jan, 2012
Some lovely unique ones here too ... A fantastic one called East of Eden which I'm buying this year along with toffee apple and probably some others:-)
11 Mar, 2013
Wow. Thanks muchly for that link.
12 Mar, 2013
You're very welcome Owdboggy. I did a blog last year showing pics of his exhibit if you're interested, it's May, Malvern part 1, worth seeing the pics if you're a geum lover. I bought a few of his from there, but he'd sold out of toffee apple and of course, he hadn't bred east of eden then:-)
12 Mar, 2013
Please may I win the Lottery? Then perhaps I could afford to buy some of them.
13 Mar, 2013
14 Mar, 2013
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I have one called (I think) 'Totally Tangerine' which grows under and through a Philadelphus bush. It flowered last year for months on end and I love it. I noticed the other day that it has just started to show green again.
20 Jan, 2012