By Gattina
Bearded Irises. I have discovered that bearded irises do really well here, and would like to find some deep blue ones. Has anyone any particular recommendations? Also, can anyone tell me when the rhizomes tend to be on sale in UK garden centres?
21 Jan, 2012
Try They have the biggest collection of irises I have ever seen and they are fabulous.
21 Jan, 2012
Looks the place i use, Cammomile !
I adore beardeds and have quite a collection of all the heights, my favourites are the dwarf and intermediates.
The company i use are Chailey, here's the link .....
21 Jan, 2012
This place is about 5 miles from where i live and is worth a visit if you're in the area. Ring first to check when they're in full flower. They do mail order. In the link click on the display gardens box to see them in all their glory. The main display last about 3 weeks sometime in mid summer from memory.
21 Jan, 2012
Kelways is another good supplier of bearded iris ( Their website has pictures of the ones they sell
21 Jan, 2012
Thank you so much, everyone - I have spent a very happy few hours sifting through websites, and putting them into my "gardening" folder for further reference. There seem to be some gorgeous colours and varieties out there.
21 Jan, 2012
Bearded Iris "Navy Blues" is worth a look Gattina if you want very blue.
22 Jan, 2012
Thank you Pim!
22 Jan, 2012
This is how I imagine it should look in your light
I am after a few Widow Iris {not Iris at all} too pricey
22 Jan, 2012
Found it! Gorgeous, and exactly what I want.
22 Jan, 2012
worth a look here
22 Jan, 2012
The trouble with e-bay, Anchorman, is that it's difficult getting stuff sent out here, and at the appropriate time, too. Otherwise, I'd use them much more. I've tried Italian Ebay, but it's just not the same as UKEB. There's a lot of soft-porn pictures, awful rugs and fur coats. Thanks, anyway!
22 Jan, 2012
I've only just noticed you in Italy Gattina.
22 Jan, 2012
;o))) I've been here all along, Anchorman!
22 Jan, 2012
Have a look at this ebay seller
21 Jan, 2012