By Rosie54
United Kingdom
I hope you can answer a question for me. My lawn used to be quite good but last winter we looked after some chickens for my son and we also got a new pup. The lawn has suffered big time and although the chickens have gone the pups still here. The lawn looks awful in fact theres not much green at all. Could you advise me where to start.
Many Thanks
23 Jan, 2012
As Beattie suggests, you need to work out how to keep the dogs off the grass. Then you can think about whether to reseed bare areas, or whether you actually would be better off returfing. Returfing can be done any time so long as the ground isn't frozen or waterlogged, but best left till March. Seeding best carried out in March/April.
23 Jan, 2012
Thanks for your help. I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait 'till spring.
23 Jan, 2012
Think and plan in the meantime, Rosie. Also consider what kid of grass you need: rhizomatous grasses, such as bluegrass or creeping fescue, are slower to sprout from seed than the ubiquitous perennial ryegrass, but once established, they will do a far better job of standing up to a rumbustious puppy.
23 Jan, 2012
YOu could fence off a part of the garden for the dog to play in andput slabs down in that part. Then use the other part of the garden for planting, growing, mowing and the other gardening activites you don't want to miss out on.
Lawns and dogs never look good when mixed, IMHO.
23 Jan, 2012