By Momac
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I planted several Virginia Creepers last summer and they seem to have disappeared. Will the roots still be growing underground or are they a lost cause.
I was assured they would grow prolifically anyware in any soil and a few made an attempt to climb my wooden fence but overall I am very disappointed with them. Any advice would be gratefully accepted.
On plant
Virginia Creeper
23 Jan, 2012
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climbing plants
I hope you've got a very large garden, or within 5 years, you'll be hacking your way through it with a machete... they'll be fine and are still there, UNLESS they suffered drought within the first six months of planting and you didn't keep them watered.
23 Jan, 2012
In northern Arizona, they often spend a year or two just growing roots, after which they seek world domination!! : D
23 Jan, 2012
Oh dear...I planted Russian Vine, Clematis Elizabeth and Chinese Virgina Creeper on the same wall along with English Ivy. I have been really disappointed with their growth, so kept buying stronger growers to obliterate the wall. Sounds like I may have a problem in a few years...
23 Jan, 2012
Thanks for the advice on my non existant Virginia Creeper. I can now imagine it running riot in a couple of years. This 6ft fence needs something to stop it looking so boring.
24 Jan, 2012
Honestly I would get rid of that Russian vine while you still have the chance or there will be no room for any of the others. Remember that the things that grow fastest don't usually stop when you want them to and that particular plant is used to quickly cover large unsightly things like old garden sheds etc. which it usually does with great enthusiasm.
If you want to disguise the fence in summer before your shrubs grow big you could grow sweet peas or nasturtiums or canary creeper up some sort of temporary support and/or perhaps a row of hollyhocks in front of it.
Another interesting idea would be to train some redcurrants and gooseberries as cordons against it - they fruit very well treated like this and are very easy to manage. They will do well with a west facing aspect but I have successfully grown a redcurrant cordon in full shade under next door's overhanging hawthorn tree!! Redcurrants are very decorative grown like this and the fruit stays on the plant for quite a while,as long as the blackbirds don't find it. Not evergreen, but then neither is Virginia creeper.
26 Jan, 2012
I have very little soil along this fence, just a thin strip as the fence is between mine and next door's house. There is a concrete path in front of it so really no place to be able to grow anything like current bushes. The bit of soil is very poor quality hence the Virginia Creeper as I believe it grows absolutely anywhere....or should do.
My side kitchen window looks straight onto this boring fence so I need to brighten it up a bit.
All advice is greatly appreciated as I love gardening....but am still a novice after retiring and having time to spend enjoying it.
27 Jan, 2012
The Virginia Creeper does grow vigorously once it gets going, but your position does sound far from ideal.
If all else fails perhaps you could fasten some trellis to the fence and grow something in narrow but deep troughs.
Or take it from the top and fix some half baskets to it. Depending on the way it faces you could at least have some colour during the summer and there are quite a few options for winter baskets too. You might need to make some sort of support for them if the fence doesn't have wooden posts. You might also consider fixing a bird feeder where you can see it from the kitchen window.
27 Jan, 2012
I don't think there'll be a problem with climbers in the ground, despite the narrowness of the border and the path. Soil will be beneath the path - any self respecting plant will invade beneath the surface and spread through the ground that way. In fact, virginia creeper will probably pop up through any cracks or gaps in the path...
27 Jan, 2012
Thanks for yet more options on how to hide my 6ft fence..
I will keep my fingers crossed that the Virginia Creeper makes an appearance. I will definately hang some spring and summer baskets. I already have a bird feeding station at the bottom of the garden and lots of squirrels and all manner of birds use it every day. Have seen the occassional rat as want to keep them as far from the house as possible.
28 Jan, 2012
Hi, im new here ! just wanted to ask that virginia creeper can be grown faster by our own? means by giving any fertilizer or any thing else ? or let it grow by itself...
Im curious abt it plz help..
16 Mar, 2014
All plants reach their full potential if grown in optimum conditions, Adilkhan, but as long as you have a reasonable soil, Virginia creeper, whilst a bit slow to start, will soon romp away and require control measures. Over feeding will not make the plant grow faster than it is programmed to.
17 Mar, 2014
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I'm sure they'll put in an appearance again in spring, Momac. I planted a virginia creeper a couple of years ago, and like you, thought it had died, but it came back. Then I planted another one somewhere else the next year and thought the same. Both came back in spring/ summer.
I think they're a bit slow to get growing vigorously and as the plant isn't very large for the first few years it's difficult to see in winter when there are no leaves on it and the stems are rather thin.
I'm sure that in a year or two you'll be pruniung them like mad and wishing you'd planted fewer!
23 Jan, 2012