By Shutkaroo
United Kingdom
Tulips bulbs - I love in London UK, has anyone been able to make tulips perennial, Please could you give me tips on making them come back at least for one or two years?
How deep, planting position, shade-sunny, water?
28 Jan, 2012
Hi Moon_growe I am planting them outside in the front garden, the soil looks a bit clayeee... I never feed them?
Would it be advisable to take them out of the ground and replant them every Autumn?
28 Jan, 2012
If you want them to stay for longer, you're supposed to bury them deeper at planting time - as Moongrower says, at least 3 times the depth of the bulb, or about 6 to 8 inches deep. Feed with a general purpose fertiliser weekly from when the flowers appear until the leaves die back on their own naturally.
28 Jan, 2012
I have clay soil and always add some sand and gravel to help with drainage for all bulbs. As per the above, put them quite deep for them to be perennial - you want to keep them from freezing as that can kill and 6-8 inches is normally fine for Tulips.
28 Jan, 2012
I never lift our tulips, never considered it necessary. If your soil is heavy clay then do as Kildermorie suggests and add some sharp sand or grit in the planting hole. Bulbs, in general, do not like sitting with their feet in the wet.
28 Jan, 2012
Thanks MG Interesting I have never fed my tulips .
Which feed should I use.
28 Jan, 2012
Well we use half strength tomorite but any general purpose fertiliser will do - easier if liquid as you want to water on.
Shutkaroo your tulips will do best in sun, thy can take semi shade but need the sun for the blooms to open properly. Plant late October early November
28 Jan, 2012
Thanks everybody
8 Feb, 2012
You are welcome Shutkaroo
8 Feb, 2012
How are you planting your tulips, in containers or in the ground? Do you give them a weekly feed of half strength tomato food once the flower is over and whilst the leaves are still green to feed the bulb for the following year? Do you let the leaves stay for at least 6 weeks after the tulips have finished flowering or do you cut them off or tie them in knots? Cutting or tying the leaves means they can't feed the bulb… in the weeks after flowering the bulb needs all the energy it can get to create the flower bud ready for the following year. Make sure you tulip bulbs are buried deeply enough three times the depth of the bulb.
28 Jan, 2012