By Chillypepper
United Kingdom
i have a succulent that has a leaf that looks just like shreks ears.and when they fall or get knocked off they just develop into another shrek eared plant. what is it
31 Jan, 2012
I'm putting a comment...
... waiting to find out the answer !
31 Jan, 2012
I'm sure this is the one that Hywel has. Hywel ... are you there? ... Hywel?
31 Jan, 2012
It sounds like a mutation of Money Tree: Crassula ovata 'Gollum'
31 Jan, 2012
Probably Crassula ovata 'Gollum'
Yes I've got one :o)
1 Feb, 2012
Oh you just beat me Tugberthil lol
1 Feb, 2012
Zreeept-kapow!! : D
2 Feb, 2012
thanks, guys i can stop trawling the net now. in our house it is just called shrek. it grows very like the money plant, but more interesting ;p
4 Feb, 2012
You might also want to look for the variety 'Hobbit', which has cute little "bunny ear" leaves.
4 Feb, 2012
Previous question
I have this succulent too and it is a fav at work. but I cant for the life of me remember what it is called.
31 Jan, 2012