United Kingdom
I have a part of my garden which is shaded by trees a fence and a 15ft x 8ft shed it is L shaped aprox 30ft x 10ft x 20ft x10ft x 10ft could you pleas advise what I could grow or what I could do with it.
thank you Dave
2 Feb, 2012
This is such a good list I had to make a comment so that I could transfer it onto my home pages.
2 Feb, 2012
What a great answer! Plenty to choose from there!
2 Feb, 2012
dont forget ferns too:o)
2 Feb, 2012
Also Christmas Box (sarcococca) which takes dry shade. This is an evergreen shrub, flowering now with highly scented tiny white flowers
2 Feb, 2012
You could fence it of with one pannel overlapping to give the impression of a solid fence then use the piece of land to make a wormery or something .
2 Feb, 2012
You'd only need an inch high fence to keep the worms in!
2 Feb, 2012
Or a compost heap or a place to burn stuff or store things you dont want in site etc etc etc . ive never see
an inch deep wormery please elaberate ? Anchorman .
2 Feb, 2012
Hi Noseypotter,
Anchorman was just putting in a cheeky little reply suggesting the fence only need to be an inch high to keep the worms in!
You`ve got to love some of the quick witted comments on here sometimes,eh?....just when you don`t expect them.
3 Feb, 2012
3 Feb, 2012
oops lol i fell strate in hook line and sinker . got me lol . im not used to seeing people with a sense of humer on here . im normaly telling the jokes anchorman . as it goes youd be surprised how far a worm can get in the damp .
3 Feb, 2012
They have hidden legs and if you look carefully on moonlit evenings you can see them jogging surprisingly quickly across the garden!
3 Feb, 2012
lol very good .
3 Feb, 2012
Here's a list I produced elsewhere answering a similar question
All of the following plants/small shrubs will thrive in shade/semi shade,
Perennial plants
alchemilla mollis,
,fatsia japonica,
perennial geranium
viburnum tinus
SHADE Shrubs
Shrubs that will cope with shade are
Choisya( white flowers ,evergreen)
Aucuba( insignificant flowers but has berries ,evergreen)
Cotoneaster( white flowers,red berries.. some are evergreen)
Euonymus fortunei ( slow growing but will eventually reach 6 feet or more , no berries or flowers,
Eleagnus – evergreen ,insignificant flowers
Hydrangea, flowers but not evergreen ,
mahonia ,yellow flowers ,evergreen
osmanthus burkwoodi,white flowers,evergreen
cherry laurel(prunus laurocerasus) - white flowers -evergreen
pyracantha- evergreen red or yellow berries
viburnum tinus - white flowers,black berries,evergreen
Plants that will cope with dry shade
Alchemilla mollis
Anenome Nemorasa ( wood anenome)
Aquilegia vulgaris – colombine
Aucuba japonica – laurel
Beregenia – elephants ears
Campanula glomerata – clustered bell flower
Chaenomales speciosa – japanese quince
Choisya ternata – mexican orange blossom
Cotoneaster horizontalis – deciduous cotoneaster
Cyclamen hederifolium – wild cyclamen
Euonymus fortunei
Euphorbia amygdaloides
Garrya eliptica
Geranium phaeum
Hedera hibernica – irish ivy
Helleborus orientalis – lanten rose
Hypericum calycinum – rose of sharon
Hypericum hidcote
Mahonia aquifolium
Mecanopsis cambrica
Osmanthus burkwoodii
Pathenocissus henryana – chinese virginia creeper
Pyracantha coccinea- firethorn
Ribes samguineum – flowering currant
Scilla nutans – english blue bell
Plants that cope with very heavy shade
alchemilla mollis
Arum italicum
Prunus laurocerasus
Vinca periwinkle
Waldsteinia ternata
Plants that will cope with some damp shade
ajuga reptans
astrantia major
brunnera macrophlla
camellia williamsi
convalleria majalis – lily of the valley
dicentra spectabilis - bleeding hearts
digitalis purpurea – common fox glove
fatsia japonica
hydrangea macrophlla
lysimachia numulari
narcissus cyclamineus – cyclamen
pachysandra terminalis
phlox paniculata
pulmonaria longifolia
skimmia japonica
2 Feb, 2012