Two crops of raspberries in the same year
By Berylsquire
United Kingdom
Last summer my rasperries produced a bumper crop. I cut down the old canes, and the new canes were growing well. But then they started to flower and fruit and continued to fruit till the end of November. Does that mean that I'll have no canes for next year? What can I do?
4 Feb, 2012
You might just cut off the fruited portion, like we do with the "everbearing" varieties here....Those are the same as the ones called autumn bearing in the UK, since summer isn't often long enough to produce two crops there.
4 Feb, 2012
Thank you for your advice; I have cut off the fruited portion and now I think I'll just have to play the waiting game!
5 Feb, 2012
I think you will just have to wait and see if they flower again this year - probably happened due to the very mild weather. They should still produce canes this year to fruit next year.
4 Feb, 2012