By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
When does Prunus 'serrula' get its shiny mahogany bark? We are planning to buy a reasonably mature tree in the name of our new granddaughter, but don't want to have to wait many years before we see the shiny bark (which is the main reason for choosing this tree). I've been offered one with a trunk circumference of 18 cms by a local firm, and I will of course ask how old it is.
8 Feb, 2012
Remember you do have to actually polish it. The best form of this is the one sold as Dorothy Clive, but even that needs polishing.
8 Feb, 2012
Thank you Tug and Owdboggy!
8 Feb, 2012
we have a 3" diameter one at work, there is a shiny bit at my hand height. wonder why that is.
8 Feb, 2012
Sheila, Went to an Aboretum a while back and they had one of these in their collection, at the base of the tree was a sign saying, 'please stroke the bark to keep it polished'!
8 Feb, 2012
8 Feb, 2012
Was thrilled to see a tree named after Dorothy Clive, Owdboggy. We used to live near the Dorothy Clive gardens in Staffordshire. They are on quite a steep hillside and include a quarry full of azaleas and bluebells. We had a season ticket at one time.
9 Feb, 2012
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I remember seeing one in Washington, D. C. with circumference like that that had well developed sheen to the bark, Sheila.
8 Feb, 2012