By Sueb
Hampshire ,
United Kingdom
I have just been to the garden centre and saw these bulbs. All it said on the box was Elephants Ears. Does anyone know anything about them. Or the Botanical name.

9 Feb, 2012
9 Feb, 2012
They are an aroid, Colocasia esculenta! It is only marginally hardy and can grow quite large. The flower is that of a yellow arum.
9 Feb, 2012
Nice architectural plants - start off in heat in the house, or a heated greenhouse. Can be placed or planted outside once risk of frost is past (usually end of May). Must be removed inside again for winter.
9 Feb, 2012
I've some plants known as 'elephants ears' in my garden but their real name is bergenia. They are fully frost hardy, evergreen and have pink flowers in the summer! Maybe it's a different plant?
9 Feb, 2012
Bergenia do not grow from big bulbs like that.
9 Feb, 2012
Aye, you're right, they're sort of like tuber things! (but that's the only plant I know as 'elephants ears') lol
9 Feb, 2012
These are the same as Edoes that you can buy in the supermarket for eating. Toxic until cooked..Watch that the back of the leaves does not brush your mouth or tongue, easily done when moving a big leaved plant. As it can cause a reaction that make your lips and tongue swell.
Lovely plant though.
9 Feb, 2012
That's the trouble with common names, Sheilar...
9 Feb, 2012
I still think one of those is an apple ;o)
9 Feb, 2012
A relatively non-poisonous variety of it is taro, the staple of the South Pacific
9 Feb, 2012
Thank you all for your help I am now confident the brown bulb on the right is colocasia Coco and fairly confident on how to grow it and the reddish green bulb on the left is indeed an apple thanks for ID-ing that for me TT lol!
9 Feb, 2012
The little nodules on the side of the bulb will grow into small bulblets. If you are growing this in a container, Sue, be careful when you unpot it and collect any of the babies that have fallen off. They can be grown on to produce moren flowering size bulbs in a few years.
10 Feb, 2012
GoY is great, isn't it Sue ...
... such a variety of answers :o)))
10 Feb, 2012
Thanks Bulbaholic I am looking forward to seeing this one grow.
TT~ You are so right. I have missed my visits so much, I have been so busy with my studies almost finished the course and I will have some fancy letters after my name. Don't think they will make the plants grow any stronger though Lol!
10 Feb, 2012
Well done with your studies, Sue :o))
Fancy letters after your name ?
Next time you visit GoY, I'll lay out the red carpet ;o)
10 Feb, 2012
I wondered where you were Sueb so went looking. Good luck with the exams. Looking forward to hearing your new designation.
29 Apr, 2012
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Hi Sue.
Good luck with your bulbs.
The one on the left looks like an apple ;o)
9 Feb, 2012