lysamachia yellow loosestrife
By Rosygarden
Swansea South Wales,
United Kingdom
does anybody know where I can buy Yellow Loosestrife (Lysamachia) and white loosestrife, I've tried everywhere but to no avail. Tref.
11 Apr, 2009
Go to the RHS website on and find the 'Plantfinder'. This will tell you which nurseries in Wales have Lysimachia punctata (the yellow one) - I found three - but the white one is listed as 'widely available' - latin name Lysimachia clethroides.
That means that many nurseries stock it. If you still have trouble after ringing around, google it and you'll get a list of mail order nurseries. If that doesn't help, send me a PM and I'll give you details of a nursery local to me that has it.
11 Apr, 2009