By Mebian
United Kingdom
Plant Identification please. Thankyou

18 Feb, 2012
Maybe O. griffithii?
18 Feb, 2012
Oxalis, can be rampant, i usually pull it out.
18 Feb, 2012
I don't think its griffithi, which I think has reddish sepals. I thought at first it was the common wood sorrel, but have never seen an oxalis with those trumpet shaped flowers before.
18 Feb, 2012
Stera think they all have those flowers dont they?
18 Feb, 2012
The flowers of most species stand more upright, and the flowers open farther, giving a star-like appearance, though they are actually bell-shaped to trumpet-shaped. On this one the leaflets aren't pointed enough to be a plausible O. regnellii, but the flowers match well. Hmm...I'll keep looking! : )
19 Feb, 2012
If it helps, I seem to recall that they close their leaves together at night. Thankyou for the replies so far...keep 'em coming please.
19 Feb, 2012
It certainly looks like ground sorrel, but with a bit of bellbind coming through? Two plants mixed in?
19 Feb, 2012
Yes Tug, that's what I meant - the ordinary wood sorrel flowers do open out much flatter than these.Not quite the same, Grandmage.
Mebian all the oxalis do this as far as i know.
19 Feb, 2012
Hi everyone, many thanks for all you answers.
21 Feb, 2012
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looks like oxalis.
18 Feb, 2012