By Zoostrel
Co Durham,
United Kingdom
Do you need to water plants this time of year?,i also have bulbs coming through and im unsure whether or not to water them.
19 Feb, 2012
Zoostrel, we are down south and I watered my pots yesterday as they were all very dry to the touch. I made the mistake one year of not watering and i lost a lot of plants that year, pot grown plants do dry out.
19 Feb, 2012
I watered some spots in my garden the other day as it has not rained here for a couple of weeks and the soil was really dry. It was light with a watering can. The soil can be very moist a few inches below the surface remember so be careful as you do not want to drown roots. Soil near walls and fences does tend to stay very dry even after rain. Always water in newly planted plants and trees etc.
19 Feb, 2012
If you are talking about potted plants, then keep them moist but not wet. In the garden, it depends on the plants you have, but bulbs are generally okay in moist soil. If your soil has dried out completely then I would give a gentle light shower, without risking rot to too much water!
The temperatures though mild are still cool enough that plants and bulbs need moisture but not wetness. I was digging out a rotten fence post last week, and 4 inches underground it was bone-dry! If your bulbs are growing okay then leave them alone for the time being.
19 Feb, 2012
So much depends on where and what they are. In the ground there's no need to do anything unless you are in a drought situation. In pots outside just make sure the compost doesn't dry out - too wet is as bad as too dry.
Bulbs under cover will need to be moist but not really wet. Underwatering is always safer than overwatering.You can usually see from the leaves when a plant really needs a drink, and tell be the weight of the pot when the compost has dried out. "Plants" is very vague - do you mean indoor plants, hardy plants in the garden, half hardy plants in the greenhouse?
Under cover in general the colder it is the less water they need. With more information we could be more specific.
19 Feb, 2012
Hi we're in North Durham, we had to water the bulbs and plants in pots outside, as they were drying out leaves drooping livened up after a drink, big pots (over 12 inch) we left alone as they looked ok.
Of course then we got snow and this last weekends frosts, now hoping they haven't frozen at the roots!
20 Feb, 2012
I keep forgetting about the drought situation in the east. wish we could send you a little of our rain! Hope your frozen pots are OK.
21 Feb, 2012
We have drought conditions here in the SE. Stera, it is quite serious. :~(
21 Feb, 2012
I was hearing about it on the radio yesterday Grandmage, and feeling very concerned for you all over there.
23 Feb, 2012
Fingers crossed, I am sure they are stock piling water somewhere! Lol
24 Feb, 2012
Doubt that they are Grandmage.
24 Feb, 2012
It was a joke MG. I know its a very serious situation and when I see people watering their grass day and night It makes me fume with anger, they are so selfish.
24 Feb, 2012
Scotland has litres of it ... With you on that one, Grandmage :-))) ... The west midlands is totally dry ... they keep telling us it will rain, but it is never enough to fill a thimble, let alone water anything or even settle the dust!! Where is the rain going?? All I can think of is turning out my compost heap and ... mulch mulch mulch.
24 Feb, 2012
Good thought there Avkq. think I will do the same (mulch), have watered all the pots again today as they have dried out yet again. Maybe those water retaining crystal thingies might help, will have to look around for something suitable. We will have to ask people on here for suggestions!
24 Feb, 2012
I can tell you where it is, Avkg - it's in West Wales. I will go out and blow hard and see if it will move over a bit. The ground is too wet to be workable here and our veg man was worrying he would be late putting his tatties in.
I have used the gel crystals under some perennial geraniums I had in a very dry sandy bed when we lived in Stafford, where they wilted all the time. I lifted the plants and put the gel underneath, watered it thoroughly and they never wilted again.
24 Feb, 2012
Thanks Stera, will arm myself with those I think, it sounds like they might help us through this year! x
24 Feb, 2012
Thank you Steragram ... need all the advice I can get! Much appreciated.
25 Feb, 2012
I hope they work for you - obviously they will need water sometimes in a drought as they will dry up eventually. It is very strange to be talking drought in February.
25 Feb, 2012
Yes is it Stera, scary!
25 Feb, 2012
In general no but if your bulbs are in pots in a greenhouse then yes you need to keep them moist but do not water if frost is predicted.
19 Feb, 2012