By Nick2012
Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Hello all,
I acquired some Colocasia esculenta bulbs/tubers/corms last week from work. As you can see from the picture its quite large and a bargain at just over £5. My question is how deep do you plant them? I've had mixed results from various websites. Some say 8 inch deep, others say just below the surface and everything in between. Having never grown them before and deciding to give them ago this year having just 'finished' my own garden (a finished garden is a dead garden i heard someone once say), I would like to do the best for them. I know they aren't hardy, that they like plenty of food and should not be allowed to dry out, its just the depth.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. The one (of ten) on the right is Colocasia 'Black Magic' purchased mail order and already has a shoot. Again should this be planted with the shoot above soil or below?
On plant
- 19 Feb, 2012
Thank you very much. I will try your suggested ways and report back on how it's worked out. Will be pleased if all 11 grow, where I'll put them all come summer is another question! Have you ever tried growing them?
Thanks again, Nick
19 Feb, 2012
No - the balcony's crammed to the gunnels already, and these make very large plants! I'd like to grow them though...
19 Feb, 2012
According to my Exotic Gardening book, they should be started off in pots, planted so that the top of the corm is just showing. Then they should be moved to a warm propagating frame, or the airing cupboard, until the shoots are 5-6 inches high. Then they need to be grown on in slightly cooler conditions and exposed to full light. Transplant, or transfer to larger pots, when all risk of frost is past (end of May usually) and leave outside all summer. They will need to be hardened off gradually before moving completely outside.
19 Feb, 2012