After 5 years of waiting I have finally been offered an allotment 150sq yards it will properly take about a moth to 6 weeks to weed dig over and tidy up they is a poly tunnel with it also
By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
After 5 years of waiting I have finally been offered an allotment 150sq yards it will properly take about a month to 6 weeks to weed dig over and tidy up they is a poly tunnel with it also. What can I aim to grow this year? This is totally new to me I was thinking of potato strawberry carrots onions etc.
26 Feb, 2012
Aw..Congratulations Steve. I am still on the waiting list :(
Loads of options, the growing season is only just begining. After the miserable year I had with tomato's last year I woud have them in the poly tunnel as soon as poss. Make a few freinds with the other Allotment holders as they will have started their seed off earlier and may have spares ;)
PS..if you want to grow spuds try to find out if the last owner grew them and where! You do not want to plant in the same place.
26 Feb, 2012
Five years?! Actually I know someone who has two allotments, one in someone else's name as a 'spare', just because he can!
26 Feb, 2012
All of the root veggies will be good to help clear the plot if it has stood fallow for a while and brassicas, peas and beans of all varieties should do well.
26 Feb, 2012
What is your soil type, by the way?
Would have thought more people would chime in on this but they're probably all outside on a day like this.
26 Feb, 2012
I had one up until last year and in the first season I grew peas, runner beans, onions, leeks, courgettes, pumpkins and perpetual spinach. Others on the allotment (they let out about 10 new ones) grew sweetcorn, beetroot, all the brassicas, herbs and salad crops. The soils wasn't particularly good either.
26 Feb, 2012
runners, broad beans as they will help the soil nitrogen levels. then as every one else has suggested what ever you fancy. for next year think about fruit bushes, rhubarb etc too.
26 Feb, 2012
Fantasic news for you remember all the photos
27 Feb, 2012
I would quarter it, so you can rotate crops.
Beans and Peas are the ones to do first to add nitrogen. Onions will also do well as several have said.
The following link is good.
27 Feb, 2012
One suggestion from me is courgettes as they are the easiest thing I have ever grown. I would definitely try and include some things which are 'dead certs' as it's off-putting when things fail; plants that you have to coax and cajole into growing in this country can be more labour-intensive and more likely to fail so it's nice to have *some* things that are bound to work out.
26 Feb, 2012