By Bryony
United Kingdom
Will my salvia come back?
I planted a border based on purple and white last year, which looked amazing for about three days when everything bloomed at once, then a bit bare from then on. I put in a salvia, I think it was 'twilight serenade', but I can't be sure. Anyway, when I looked yesterday there was no sign of it, not a leaf or anything. Are salvias meant to die back or has the frost got it?
27 Feb, 2012
Thanks, I had forgotten to protect this from the snow so that would be a relief.
27 Feb, 2012
Bryony I planted perennial salvia last year and wasn't sure if the were going to survive. I protected them with straw. I had a wee root around today and the shoots are just under the surface. I'm sure yours will appear :)
27 Feb, 2012
If it is Salvia twilight serenade this is a fully herbaceous perennial so should grow back in spring.
27 Feb, 2012