By Bryony
United Kingdom
Which garden bug is black and jumps and wriggles around?
I bought a home-grown plant from someone at a car boot sale last year. When I went to plant it a black bug jumped out but I didn't bother much.
Now when I lift a plant pot up there will be one or two small black bugs writhing on the ground. They try to leap, but don't get far off the ground. They only seem to be found under plant pots. I can't describe them that well but the main feature is that they bounce around!
27 Feb, 2012
Could you take a photo of them, you have me puzzled LOL
27 Feb, 2012
how big are they? could be springtails but they tend to be creamy coloured.
If it were me I think I would repot it. wash off as much of the old compost as possible and repot with fresh.
27 Feb, 2012