ILEX and CONIFER Suggestions Please
By Terratoonie
Suggestions, please, for varieties of Ilex and Conifer, which can be TRIMMED if necessary, to keep them about 6ft high.
Varieties of either which can cope with neutral to slightly alkaline soil, which is often DRY and SUNNY.
Thanks in advance for your answers :o)))
28 Feb, 2012
Thanks Avk ..
I'll look at that link.
My idea is for individual trees, not a hedge.
28 Feb, 2012
Most types of Thuja can be shaped/pruned into a compact shape. Goldcrest Cupressus 'Wilma' are really easy to maintain into a shape - hence you see them all the time as topiary. Most conifers will tolerate alkali soil - they will change that over time!
28 Feb, 2012
Varieties of Juniperus chinensis, J. sabina, and their hybrid, J. x pfitzeriana tolerate alkaline soil well, can be trimmed, and prefer hot, sunny exposures. Varieties of Platycladus orientalis are also tolerant of alkali and heat, but trimming...not so much! : )
29 Feb, 2012
Thank you Kildermorie and Tugbrethil ...
That's very useful. I'd tried to do the research myself all around the internet, but it's a case of too much information out there, isn't it ! Very confusing..
Today I'll look further into your recommendations, and also the link from Avkq47 who is always very helpful, too :o)
29 Feb, 2012
Juniper, how could I forget! They tend to be pretty dwarf and slow growing and often used to train people in Bonsai as they take a good pruning.
For Ilex, Ferox Argentea have small variegated leaves perfect for pruning. I have seen it made into balls and cloud pruned.
29 Feb, 2012
Hi Kildermorie...
Thanks, yes I'm adding the Juniper ideas to the list ...
I've never owned Ferox Argentea, but was discouraged from those by seeing some at a garden centre a few years ago, which looked as though they had coped very badly with cold winter weather....
Any thoughts on that, please ?
29 Feb, 2012
Ferox Argentea needs protection from wind - my parents garden was sheltered by the house, large box and privet hedges, rather than cold (they are cold hardy). They had that Holly in the middle shaped into 3 flat balls with some bare stem in between (say 8ft tall in all).
29 Feb, 2012
Thanks Kildermorie...
That explains..
It had been puzzling me how so many Ferox Argentea were looking very sad at that garden centre after a cold winter ... they were certainly in a windy area... no shelter !
29 Feb, 2012
Try contacting this site ... for more information on large shrub availability. Ilex and conifer will tolerate almost anything in the neutral to acid range, but not alkaline/chalk soils. If your request is about hedging of these two, and depending how many plants you need, then also try, or any other number of companies supplying hedging. Good luck!
28 Feb, 2012