United Kingdom
Plant climbing up through a Viburnam Bodnantese Dawn. I would love to have some suggestions for a suitable plant. The position is in sun for about 4 or 5 hours a day, soil is clay. Would a native honeysuckle fit the bill?
2 Mar, 2012
How about an annual? A few Canary Creeper for example.
2 Mar, 2012
What about under planting with something small, bright and spreading, like small campanula for the season after it finishes flowering?
2 Mar, 2012
Thanks for the ideas. The viburnum is about 8' tall, more like a small tree and it has finished flowering by April. I'll google canary Creeper. I do have two varieties of Campanula already.
2 Mar, 2012
I have a summer flowering clematis in mine which is about the same height as yours. It is planted quite a bit away from the tree root ball.
3 Mar, 2012
Thankyou Jen. I was hoping a honeysuckle or clematis might be ok.
3 Mar, 2012
Something like clematis x cartmannii 'Joe', which only reaches about six feet, would not overwhelm the viburnum
3 Mar, 2012
Thanks Andrew, I'll check that one out and see if I can buy one online. The canary creeper looks lovely but they say it's tricky to grow and having little confidence in my gardening skills, I decided to go for something I can plant rather than grow from seed.
5 Mar, 2012
The clematis I have is Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'
it brightens the whole shrub/tree in the summer.
6 Mar, 2012
I would say that it would be a bad idea. It would smother some of the early flowers, would not look nice and would encourage milldew. A beautiful shrub standing on its own.
2 Mar, 2012