By Liliangleave
United Kingdom
One side of my garden is mostly in shade apart from high summer when it will get a couple of hours of sun in the late afternoon.It is also rather wet during the winter. I would love to have some colour and some flowering bushes but not sure what will survive.
4 Mar, 2012
Have a look at Long Acre Plants website. They specialize in plants for shade and will also give you advice if you tell them what you are looking for. You can also check plants for shade on this website if you look on the alphabet at the bottom of the home page.
4 Mar, 2012
Mahonias might do well if the soil isn't TOO wet. That way you can get evergreen, winter colour and scent as well.
5 Mar, 2012
...and I believe you can eat the berries if you want to. I did try and they were quite nice but a bit watery and had big seeds. Not really worth it as food!
5 Mar, 2012
I didn't know that!
5 Mar, 2012
Ligularias do well. There are several varieties and they all make a big statement. Astilbes and ferns do well in these conditions.
Like you, I am also on the hunt for an ( evergreen) flowering shrub that would thrive in these conditions, so I can't help with that, but will read further answers with interest.
4 Mar, 2012