By Hillheed
United Kingdom
Can you get garden screening 3m in height anywhere? Need this height to hide unsightly neighbours garden where they have stacked boxes next to our fence.
4 Mar, 2012
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screening / privacy ideas
Unlikely to find any over 2 m as local laws usually limit fencing height to 2 meters and much less if its the front garden. Check with your local planners before you go to a lot of expense.
4 Mar, 2012
You can buy 3 and 4 metre rolls of bamboo screening which is 1 metre wide. You could turn it on its side . However you'll still need to support bit so it might be easier to just build a 3 metre fence.
I suspect 3 metre fences/screens would be against byelaws in most places but you could risk it.
4 Mar, 2012
Part of my back fence is 3m tall. It is a 6ft wooden fence on top of a brick wall. I have never seen fence panels larger than 6ft though. You can buy Leylandii trees 2-3 metres tall by the dozen for less than £50.
4 Mar, 2012
Please dont plant Leylandii. They are the most obnoxious plants on the planet. Why not grow a Eucalyptus tree which will not be so dense as to cast heavy shade on you or your neighbour. It is evergreen (grey). Unless you can guarantee these neighbours are going to be this antisocial, for your lifetime, in your house, then a friendly solution would be better. You could also grow a privet - ligustrum as a free standing small tree. L. japonicum has sprays of deliciously scented white flowers from July on. If you live in England the law changed recently to allow only 6' high leylandii hedges. It is because they are so dense they shut off light as badly as a solid fence. I wish the Scottish Government would wake up and smell the coffee. All political parties seem to be equally unsympathetic to the sufferers. Getting rid of a leylandii hedge will prove expensive in the long run too.
4 Mar, 2012
3m is pretty high to stack boxes. Is there any chance that 2m would do, with some tall plants for extra height? Is your existing fence screening up to a certain height, if so, could something be added on top? How likely is it that the 'view' will be there for more than a few months?
Buddlejas grow up pretty quickly and are cheap and also not difficult to eradicate (compared to leylandii).
Just stating the obvious but the easiest way forward is if the neighbour can be convinced to stack the boxes lower. That way you have less expense and you are not putting yourself into the shade. Perhaps you could phrase it as you are worried about the height of the stacks pushing the fence over, something like that, rather then letting them know it bothers you to see them. Apologies if this is not a possibility.
4 Mar, 2012
@Scotsgran - Leylandii are fine if kept trimmed and tidy. I certainly do not advocate having an 80ft hedge next to a house! The guidelines (not law) in England & Wales is that new hedges can be considered anti-social if over 2 metres tall (there also has to be other factors involved such as affecting light and enjoyment to a domestic garden). The guidelines do not affect old hedges (that is ones established before the guidelines came into force). The neighbour would have to pay (normally £500 or more) to ask the local authority if the hedge is anti-social or not. The council may actually allow a hedge regardless of height. The best a council can do is ask for a hedge to be trimmed to 2 metres. As these guidelines are of no use to people already with high hedge problems and are difficult to enforce I do not see why the Scottish Gov would copy it.
4 Mar, 2012
As a sufferer I am speaking from experience. I just think it is high time adequate legislation be put in place to safeguard people like us. We are not only at the mercy of next door neighbours but also the officials at the local council who have a right to do anything they like and we have no right to complain to anyone. There is no right to independant arbitration.
4 Mar, 2012
It is the owners of leylandi that let them run riot who are obnoxious. Leylandi makes a fine evergreen hedge if trimmed to 6 feet tall at least once a year.
Having said that leylandi would not be my first choice of hedge.
4 Mar, 2012
As I said, it is irresponsible for someone to let anything in their garden to run riot. It is also irresponsible for someone to build boxes 3 metres high next to a boundary fence. Leylandii are fine if well kept and I have seen some beautifully kept hedges of them.
I do think a lot of people spend too much time whinging and obsessing about other peoples hedges when there is no problem (am thinking about a few TV programmes I have seen).
Scotsgran - I do get your point but I also think that people have a right to enjoy their own garden without having next door poking in with their ideas on how they think their gardens should look or be like. Unless you are allergic to something in the hedge then you do not suffer. The council have no jurisdiction over private gardens and neither should they: they are their to clean the streets and take the bins out and little else. Conversely neighbours should know to be reasonable over things ie not let a hedge reach 80ft.
5 Mar, 2012
I wouldn't recommend that lightweight screening for use up to 3 metres high. I've had some that was about 6 feet high and it's been an utter disappointment. The wires that are supposed to hold it together rusted away in under 2 years. Don't waste any money on it! You could try a fence with a trellis on the top and some climbers. This structure would need some jolly good and well dug in supports though.
5 Mar, 2012
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4 Mar, 2012