By Sunbeam
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Daffodil bulbs not flowered
several pots of daffodils I planted in the autumn have got lots of leaves but no flowers - is there any point in keeping them or will they never flower again?
11 Mar, 2012
It sounds as if these are new bulbs that you bought last summer, Sunbeam? If so, then you were sold very poor quality bulbs. All bulbs bought from a Garden Center or by mail order should flower in their first year. I would suggest complaining to the seller and trying to get a refund.
In the meantime keep them growing and treat them as advised by Sbg. After they have fully died back allow the compost to dry out, and repot the bulbs into new compost in summer.
11 Mar, 2012
Thank you for the help, they were bulbs which flowered ok last year but I think maybe I was guilty of neglecting the after care and just thinking they'd come up ok again so I will feed and re-pot this year as advised.
11 Mar, 2012
How deep did you plant them? if you didn't plant them deep enough that also could be a cause for them growing blind, you should see a bud with the leaf growth if they were going to flower this year.
I would let them die down naturally then lift them ans store until autumn and replant at least three times the depth of the bulb.
11 Mar, 2012
Previous question
they may still throw up a flower yet. Some of mine flower late march.
they may not have set flowers last year with it being so dry. This year water well and feed with a half strength tomato food from now until the leaves die off. this way you should get flowers next year.
certainly worth persevering with.
11 Mar, 2012