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Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

I have a patch of garden in the front of house which only gets a bit of sun in the afternoon, and its quite damp. Can you recommend some shrubs to go there please. Its quite near the house.



Take a look at the Long Acre Nursery ( Plants for Shade) website - not for buying, just looking. There are plants listed there for specific locations, including wet shade. It may give you some ideas.

13 Mar, 2012


So long as your soil isn't alkaline, Skimmias (you'd need two, one male one female, for berries). Otherwise, Sarcococca varieties, Mahonia aquifolium, Prunus 'Otto Luyken'.

13 Mar, 2012


Euphorbia and hostas are two which come up in my book (What Plant Where?) for plants which thrive in moist semi-shade. Also Siberian iris, blue poppies (Meconopsis), hellebores and foxgloves. If the area counts as essentially shaded then it might give different suggestions.

Oops, just realised you were talking about shrubs, 1/10 for reading comprehension!

Shrub suggestions:
Hydrangea? (not sure)
Camelia- might look very pretty
Lantern tree (Crinodendron hookerianum)
Fuchsia for a dead-cert

13 Mar, 2012


Thanks for your comments. I like the sound of Euonymus and Fushsias. Have tried Hydrangea, not too good.

14 Mar, 2012

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