By Scottish
Came across this today (see my blog for further details)!
I'm looking at pictures of bees on google and the more I look the more they all look the same :)
Can anyone tell me what kind it is please.
Thank you
13 Mar, 2012
It could be one of 270 species of Hoverfly, they have one set of wings whereas a bee has two.
13 Mar, 2012
Thanks. A fly it is :). Only just realised I forgot to post the picture....doh!!
Now I know re the wings I will pay attention in future :)
13 Mar, 2012
hover flies fly like humming birds and generaly bees almost look lazy flying in comparrison . i didnt realise there were 270 species grandmage wow i knew there were quite a few . heres a bit of useless information . if one pare of blue bottles were given ideal conditions with know predetors and could breed as often as possible they would breed enough that if put in a ball after a year they`ed be the size of the planet earth . thats why i realy like spiders .
14 Mar, 2012
I like is Nosey!! Love these bits of info, its like a pair of rats produces 2000 per year!! eeeek
14 Mar, 2012
nice lol x
14 Mar, 2012
more like yuk than nice Nosey!!!! :)
14 Mar, 2012
thats kind of what i ment scottish lol .
14 Mar, 2012
Scottish. I have put a picture of a Drone Fly on Garden Questions for you to see (13th March). Jackie :o)
15 Mar, 2012
Thanks Jackie....I'll go have a look x
15 Mar, 2012
I agree with Seaburngirl, much more like a fly than a bee - some hoverflies look like this, fly doesn't just mean house fly or bluebottle.
13 Mar, 2012