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By Gee19

Kent, United Kingdom

I wonder if anyone can identify this for me please? The leaves are quite large, about 2" long.



Gee, I think this is Arum Lily/Cuckoo Pint plant ... it has clusters of poisonous red berries atop a tall stem ... appears in the shady part of my back garden so I uproot it! .....

17 Mar, 2012


It does look like an arum, they can be a bit of a thug but they do a good job. the berries are posionous to us but the birds love them.

17 Mar, 2012


Yes agree with the girls, amazing leaves aren't they.....

17 Mar, 2012


One of the arum maniculatum ... unless you particularly like this 'wild' flower, it will rapidly invade and carpet your borders. If you don't want this then at the least, keep an eye out for the red berries and remove them, to control spread. The 'corm' of this plant is burried deep and breaks off very easily, so next year's crop are even deeper - like blue bells and dandellions. I get them when they are small as they as not burried so deep and come up more easily.

17 Mar, 2012


I'd say it is Arum Italicum, the marbling on the leaves being responsible for the name. Arum maculatum has black speckles on the leaves.

It is known as Italian cuckoopint (pint to rhyme with 'mint' because it is short for pintle).

17 Mar, 2012


Thank you for your quick replies. The leaves do look lovely but I think I will have to remove it because of the berries. I'm not sure if they would have an adverse effect on the tortoises if they were eaten. Better to be safe than sorry. Thanks again.

17 Mar, 2012

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